16 Jun

Text and image by Rick McVicar         

 “Unity is Our Polar Star.”  Barton Stone, one of the founders of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).    

     Barton Stone’s evangelistic slogan may provide a treatment plan for the current mental health pandemic currently facing the United States. 

     Our pandemic is having political consequences as we are being swept away from a democracy into an authoritarian oligarchy, led by President Donald Trump. The movement into totalitarianism follows a mental health progression from fear of the other, to anxiety, to distrust, suspicion, paranoia and on to a delusional search for a contemporary savior. Donald Trump has repeatedly said only he can fix America’s problems. Despite his narcissistic grandiosity, a significant portion of the electorate believes he is a savior. 

     My assessment of our current situation is based on writings by the author and psychiatrist Bandy X. Lee, who also holds a Master of Divinity degree.             

     Fear is at the root of our dilemma, which spreads to distrust of all of our societal institutions. Fear spreads disunity. Fear spreads suspicion. Fear spreads the belief that every federal dollar spent is either waste or fraud. Fear spreads support for our enemies and disloyalty to our friends. Fear spreads hatred. And it spreads like wildfire when it is attached to the color of people’s skin, especially in America.             

Three rectangles with eyeballs.

     Our mental health pandemic is the result of economic and political pressures, which I believe are consequences of the Reagan Revolution. President Reagan pushed trickle-down economic policies, setting in motion a widening gap between rich and poor. President Ronald Reagan took aim at the welfare state, much of it created by President Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty. Ironically, both presidents were rooted in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) tradition. 

     Unity is Our Polar Star.             

     Originally, Barton Stone only preached about Christian unity, unity among church people no matter the denomination. My personal belief is that this unity needs to be made universal. Unity among all people of the earth, unity with the earth and unity with the divine. 

     This unity does not ignore differences, which are to be celebrated with mutual respect. I can be white and celebrate Black History Month. I can be straight and celebrate Pride Month. I can be a straight, white male and celebrate Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. 

     Unity is our Polar Star, with celebrations of differences revolving around it. I believe that is what will start us out on a treatment plan for our current mental health pandemic.    


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