Trinity Vanilla Protein, Ice Cream and Fruit

Enjoy the Parent, Son and Holy Spirit on your taste buds with triple vanilla. Mix 2 tablespoons of vanilla flavored protein powder and 1 1/2 scoops of vanilla ice cream in an 11-oz. travel mug. Finish with vanilla almond milk. Tightly close mug and shake vigorously. Pour over a bowl of 1 sliced apple and 1 sliced peach.

Nicodemus Asparagus Spaghetti Sauce

If you want to be born again, this sauce will get you there. 4-6 stalks asparagus, cut into 1-in. long pieces. 2 14.5 oz. cans diced tomatoes. 1/2 cup diced fresh tomato. 1/4 cup chopped onion. 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar. 1/2 teaspoon garlic pepper. Mix all the ingredients together and cook on low-medium heat for 1 1/2 hours, stirring occasionally.

Clergy Obesity

Several studies can be found sounding the alarm over clergy obesity rates, which are higher than the general population. My recipes may help, as I have refrained from eating meat out of concern for the environment. You will find my recipes to be full of vegetables, both canned and fresh. Organic produce adds to the flavor.