Image and Text by Rick McVicar
Chapter 11
v. 1 Jesus travels throughout Galilee So he can “preach and teach” (NIV, 11:1). John the Baptist sits in jail And hears stories and tales.
John’s disciples want to know Is Jesus just a circus show? Jesus says he is opening blind eyes, Lame feet are walking by and by.
Lepers now have clean skin Deaf ears can hear the din. The dead arise, The poor have food to buy.
Jesus heaps praise on John, Says he is no con. A prophet is among you, Who wears no fancy shoes.
Preparer of the way, To begin a heavenly day. The prophets have suffered a violent past, But their words of hope are never dashed.
Why won’t people dance with the pipe, Why won’t they mourn when we cry? They don’t like John, who fasts They don’t like demons to be cast.
They don’t like Jesus who eats Because of all the sinners he meets.
v. 20 Jesus then makes his rounds To all the unrepentant towns. In the town of Chorazin There is way too much sin.
Be careful in Bethsaida they are prone to hate ya. But in Tyre and Sidon, With God they are abidin’.
In Capernaum they look a bit shady They all may go down into Hades.
v. 23 Come to Jesus those who need rest. He will give you all that is best. For He is kind and gentle of heart His burden is like an empty cart.
Chapter 12
v. 1 Disciples picked corn on Sabbath day Pharisees had threats and curses to say Jesus quipped that even King David ate Pieces of holy bread on Sabbath day.
Temple priests do not follow the law. That is what Jesus saw. Breaking the Sabbath Became Jesus’ habit;
Healing on that holy day, Putting all sickness at bay, Including a man with a withered hand. Jesus: What if your sheep cannot stand
And falls into a muddy pit on Sabbath? You would surely give it a bath. The Pharisees grew mighty hot, They began to plan and plot.
v. 15 Isaiah foretells of Jesus’ ministry That will heal human misery. A servant with whom God is pleased. He speaks softly in the street.
He won’t break a reed And will plant a fertile seed. He will stoke a flickering flame, Establishing justice with his name.
v. 22 Just one more healing. Jesus was accused of stealing Powers from an evil prince, Making Jesus feel a pinch.
A demon had made a man blind Jesus put the demon in a bind. Jesus said He was on heaven’s side With only God He abides.
He was up for a devilish fight. So Satan would take a quick flight. Jesus took on a brood of vipers, Told them to change their diapers.
Said they would get the boot If they produced only bad fruit.
v. 38 Pharisees wanted to see a sign. Jesus told them to get in line. Prophet Jonah gave God’s sign, When a sea monster dined
On Jonah for three days and nights. He then preached to the Ninevites. They repented and so should you, Upon God’s truth you shall stew.
The unclean generation Will take no hesitation. To dirty a clean house By bringing in a louse.
Jesus’ mother and brothers stopped by. Jesus may have made His mother cry.